Increasing Your Psychic Chat Customer Base!
Our Psychic chat service continues to build and we want to ensure that our hosts are making the most of what they have to offer to the thousands of customers who seek guidance and advice! We want to encourage you to boost your profile and make sure that it is appealing to users who are browsing the app and seeking their ideal psychic advisor!
The way your profile looks is important – so ensuring that your photo emanates warmth and invites our service users to want to find out more about what you have to offer. An video intro goes a step further and you can explain your methods and encourage customers to try you out! You may want to show yourself displaying your psychic methods such as tarot, runes, or Angel cards
Always ask yourself if you are showcasing your skills in the text of your profile! You might be proficient in more than one psychic method so let users know what your experience is. Do you have expertise in a particular area of life, such as love, work matters, or family? Some hosts are simply a good, listening ear, not judging and offering users a chance to relieve some weight off their shoulders. Keep in mind that the customers on the app are often looking for a sympathetic ear – and you should let them know that you are the person to turn to in these times to lift their spirits
Don’t forget that you are not just simply offering guidance via phone chat! All hosts on our psychic app can do short, and Indepth message readings, as well as take advance bookings for phone chat! Being able to check your message requests on the go via your mobile or tablet means you can stay in touch with your regular customers and they will know that they can rely on you for prompt guidance.
Spending a little extra time on your profile on a regular basis will ensure your app users know you care about your customers and want to give them the most rewarding and positive experience, so log in now and see what tweaks you can make to keep your traffic and earnings consistent!